Monday, 6 February 2012

Image Optimisation Cont..

I already have created my thumbnails which are small versions of the image I plan to use  for the gallery. I attended a seminar where we had to look at ways to optimise the image so that it is suitable for the web. As I am using large photographs I need to re-size them so that they are suitable for the web, by doing this I have also enabled myself to display images correctly in my portfolio. 

I have carried out this process for all of my images which I want to use on my web album. It is really important to do this procedure. It has enabled me to understand what kind of images are suitable for the web and that it is pointless using a file which is too large, as it will eventually slow down the website. For this image I have cropped, slightly edited it using the curves tool and also saved for web and devices.

For this image I have chosen the format PNG-8, I looked at every option available which would be suitable for the web. The GIF format was very pixelated and when I previewed on the internet it wasn't happy with the result. (See  below)

The image resolution is 72 dpi, which is what was recommended to us by Sean, After experimenting with different dpi's, I found that this was the most suitable.  I chose against JPEG medium and high because they were over 50k and took over 20 seconds to load, I do not want my images to take that much time simply because it will slow down my site. JPEG low also did not work for me as the format quality was very poor. However all of my images differentiate, I expected this because I knew all of my photos were from different sources and therefore would have different properties. I have ensured that they are all of the best suitable quality and experimented with all of the four formats to come to the correct decision.

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